

浏览:2840  来源:深圳语文补习网  日期:2012-02-20
I 英语基础知识 (共50分)
1.       She should stop eating chocolate.
2.       Henry Norman Bethune was a great nurse.
3.       The boy has a stomachache, he will go to see a doctor.
4.       The boy wants to eat breakfast first, but his mother says “No”.
5.       The man likes to eat fruit and vegetables instead of meat.
(    )1. A. would   B. should  C. could  D. couldn’t
(    )2. A. green   B. nervous  C. were  D. great
(    )3. A. stomach   B. stomachache  C. dentist  D. doctors
(    )4. A. say   B. know  C. want  D. first
(    )5. A. in   B. dead  C. instead  D. bread
1.       excuse me, where is the post office?  It’s over there
2.       He is on duty today, so he stays and clean the classroom
3.       where is Jim?  Oh, he has gone to the toilet.
4.       what does your father do? He is a carpenter.
5.       when I was young, I was always excited about winter.
       A                          B                                        C                                 D                          E
1.             2.            3.             4.               5.      
(  )1. ___________ will you do with the purse and the money?
(  )2.  The boy ___________ his father. He looks like his mother.
(  )3.  He lived ___________ on the ___________ island 10 years ago.
(  )4.  There ___________ a football match in two days.
(  )5.  They like ___________ football games very much.
1    A. How                   B. How soon             C. What                D. Where
2    A. doesn’t like              B. isn’t like              C. never looks           D. never likes
3    A. alone, lonely              B. lonely, alone          C. lonely, lonely          D. alone, alone
4    A. will have                 B. will has                C. will be               D. is going
5    A. seeing                  B. see                     C. watching             D. watch
    Visitors to Britain are always saying that English food is not good. But in fact they do not know what they are talking about, because they hardly get a chance to eat it. Most of the restaurants in large towns have foreign owners and only serve(提供)foreign food. When visitors are invited to eat in an English home, their hosts(主人)often feel they must offer them something foreign and unusual.
    But, at its best, English food can be very good. On the other hand it is true to say that it is sometimes terrible(可怕的). Part of the problem is that we are not really interested in food we eat. We eat to live, we do not live to eat. So we don’t generally(通常)spend the time and effort(努力)needed to cook really good meals. We prefer(较喜欢的)food that is simple and easy to cook, even only needs heating up(加热)before eating.
    You can find the best English food in the country away from the large towns, where life is slower and people are not in such a hurry, But, of course, most visitors come to London to do some shopping and sightseeing(观光), not to eat.
1. Most visitors to Britain wanted ____________.
  A. to get a chance to eat good English food          B. to do some shopping and sightseeing
  C. to eat in an English home                      D. to eat to live
2. It is difficult to find English food in restaurants in large towns in Britain, because most of the restaurants ____ by foreigners.
  A. is owned             B. was owned          C. are owned         D. owned
3. Even British hosts ____________ their visitors English food in their home.
  A. don’t serve            B. doesn’t serve            C. served          D. were served
4. British people do not want to spend time and effort on ____________.
  A. to cook really good meal  B. eating good food  C. cook really good meal  D. cooking a really good meal
5. Life in the countryside is ____________ than in large towns and people are not in such a hurry.
  A. slow                 B. slower                 C. quick          D. quickly
1. ___________   2. ___________   3. ___________  4. ___________   5. ___________
II 综合知识(共50分)
一、          时事题(10分,各5分)
1、  请问今年是深圳特区建立多少周年?停顿10秒
2、  2010年深圳市五届人大一次会议6月2日举行新闻发布会披露,国务院近日作出批复,同意将深圳经济特区范围扩大到深圳全市。请问扩大后的深圳经济特区包含哪几个区?停顿20秒
二、          常识题(10分,各2.5分)每题停顿5秒
1、传奇戏剧《牡丹亭》出自哪位作家之手:  A. 李渔 B. 汤显祖 C. 孔尚任 D. 关汉卿
2、世界上最长的河流是:  A. 尼罗河 B. 黄河 C. 密西西比河 
3、世界上国土面积最大的国家是是:A. 加拿大 B. 中国 C. 俄罗斯 
  4、美术按照大类别分可以分为两种,请问是哪两种? A. 油画和水墨画   B. 画和雕塑    C. 平面美术和立体美术  D. 创作和行为艺术
三、          语文题(15分,各5分)
2、唐代诗人王昌龄诗词《出塞》中的词句“但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山”“龙城飞将”指的是谁?  A. 李广 B. 卫青 C. 李陵   停顿5秒
3、写作文记叙顺序有三种,请问是哪三种?  停顿10秒
四、          数学题(15分,每题5分)不得使用笔来计算,每小题停顿20秒
1.       柯南和鸣人比赛吃瓜子,柯南吃的比鸣人多25%,请问鸣人吃的比柯南少多少?
2.       奥特曼和喜羊羊也参加了吃瓜子比赛,两人加起来总共吃了40斤瓜子,喜羊羊比奥特曼多吃了8斤,请问两人各吃了几斤瓜子?
3.       5个小怪兽和4个奥特曼一起吃瓜子,加起来总共吃了110斤,每个小怪兽吃的瓜子一样多,每个奥特曼吃的瓜子也一样多,但三个小怪兽吃的瓜子和两个奥特曼吃的瓜子一样多,请问每个奥特曼吃多少瓜子?
资料来源:深圳语文补习网 http://www.0755yuwen.com
请联系深圳语文知名教师:龙小元老师 Tel: 13632616488 QQ;939170249
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