

浏览:2485  来源:深圳语文补习网  日期:2012-02-20
I 英语基础知识 (共50分)
1.       story He funny told very a. 
2.       Yesterday we Peter’s a party had was birthday and.
3.       best class Mary her draws in 
4.       must the quiet library We keep in.
5.       wore skirt last she a green Sunday.
1.       I saw him when I was on my on my way to school
2.       I like winter the best, I think it’s the most interesting season
3.       we looked for it everywhere but still can’t fine the ball
4.       Tommy wants to be a postman when he grows up because he thinks working with a bicycle is so cool!
5.       I always think that homework is the most awful thing in the world.
       A                          B                                        C                                 D                          E
1.             2.            3.             4.               5.      
(  )1. The proud mother has three daughters. One is a scientist, ___________ is a doctor, the third is a teacher.
(  )2.  Adam’s ___________ brother is two years ___________ than he.
(  )3.  There was ___________ mud on your trousers. You’d better change them.
(  )4.  Maths is ___________ subject of the two.
(  )5.  You can see animals on ___________ sides of the road in the park.
1  A. the other                  B. other              C. the others              D. another
2  A. elder, elder                B. older, older          C. elder, older            D. older, elder
3  A. a few                 B. a little              C. few            D. little
4  A. the more difficult       B. the most difficult       C. more          D. most
5  A. both                  B. all                   C. each            D. every
    Dick was a waiter in a small restaurant. One day, a man came in and sat down at one of the tables. Dick greeted(打招呼)him and went to find out what he wanted to eat. The man said he would like some chicken with potatoes and other vegetables.
    “Roasted chicken,” he added as Dick was leaving. “Very well, sir,” Dick answered and went into the kitchen.
    But the man called him back, saying, “Just a moment, sir. Please try to have it cooked just right – not too little, and not too much, and with as little fat as possible.”
    “Very well, sir,” answered Dick obediently(服从地), “I’ll tell the cook.” Once more he began to go towards the kitchen, but again the man stopped him with the words, “Oh, and I forgot to explain that I’m fond of leg.”
    “Very well, sir,” answered Dick, “do you prefer the left leg, or the right leg?”
1. Dick was a waiter in ____________.
  A. a small restaurant          B. a big restaurant         C. a restaurant
2. The man said he would like ____________.
  A. some chickens B. some chicken with potatoes and other vegetables  C. some chicken with some vegetables
3. The man wanted the chicken cooked ____________.
  A. too little                   B. too much             C. just right
4. The man wanted the chicken with ____________.
  A. a little fat                B. much fat             C. little fat
5. How many times did the man call Dick back?
  A. Three times.               B. Four times.           C. Two times.
1. ___________   2. ___________   3. ___________  4. ___________   5. ___________
II 综合知识(共50分)
一、          时事题(5分)
World Expo, better city, better life
二、          历史常识题(10分,各1分)
1. 三山:安徽黄山、江西庐山、浙江雁荡山
2. 五岳:中岳(河南嵩山)、东岳(山东泰山)、西岳(陕西华山)、南岳(湖南衡山)、北岳(山西恒山)
3. 五湖:鄱阳湖(江西)、洞庭湖(湖南)、太湖(江苏)、洪泽湖(江苏)、巢湖(安徽)
4. 四海:渤海、黄海、东海、南海
三、          语文题(20分)
四、          数学题(15分,每题5分)不得使用笔来计算,每小题停顿20秒
1.       今天奥特曼和喜羊羊想远足去大梅沙,全程是30千米,喜羊羊步行的速度是5前面每小时,奥特曼步行的速度是7.5千米每小时,但昨天晚上奥特曼打怪兽到很晚才睡觉,于是今天比喜羊羊迟了两2小时才出发,请问奥特曼出发后要过多久才能赶上喜羊羊?
2.       两列火车迎面相遇,第一列火车长150米,速度是15米每秒,第二列火车速度是20米每秒,两车相遇错车而过的时间是10秒,请问第二列火车有多长?
3.       柯东柯南柯西柯北四兄弟参加同一次英语竞赛,四个人的平均分是80分,其中没有一个人是低于75分的,请问分数最高的可能是多少分?
资料来源:深圳语文补习网 http://www.0755yuwen.com
请联系深圳语文知名教师:龙小元老师 Tel: 13632616488 QQ;939170249
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