

浏览:2261  来源:深圳语文补习网  日期:2012-02-20
I 英语基础知识 (共50分)
1.       I a film saw Yesterday very exciting
2.       Yellow River our country Is in the longest one 
3.       school last week Some came to our visitors.
4.       help carry the box Let me you to.
5.       there are over the children studying
1.       I had a headache so I went to the doctor.
2.       “What’s wrong with you?” “I don't know, but I’m having a bad cough.”
3.       spring is beautiful and lively, we should go for a picnic and do some nature work.
4.       Sunny has got a gift from her boyfriend, it’s a PSP. how happy she is!
5.       the doctor told to take this medicine twice a day.
1.             2.            3.             4.               5.      
(  )1. She has all kinds of _________ but she doesn’t know how to _________. She is a bad _________.
(  )2.  We should try to solve the ____________ as soon as possible.
(  )3.  Need I wait for a long time? No, you ____________.
(  )4.  It is fine today. You ____________ a raincoat with you.
(  )5.  I think this flower is ___________ than that one.
1  A. cookers, cook, cook     B. cookers, cook, cooker    C. cooks, cooking, cook    D. cooking, cook, cook
2  A. problems               B. problem              C. question             D. trouble
3  A. mustn’t                 B. needn’t               C. can’t               D. shouldn’t
4  A. don’t need              B. needn’t           C. aren’t need           D. didn’t need
5  A. much more beautiful     B. much beautiful          C. very beautiful             D. quite beautiful
    Long, long ago, there was a tiger in the forest. One day, she was very hungry. She was walking in the forest and wanted to find something to eat. Suddenly, she saw a fox. The fox was sleeping under a big tree. She came up slowly and jumped on the fox.
    “What could I do?” the fox thought hard. Then he had an idea. He said to the tiger loudly.
    “How dare you eat me?”
    “Why?” the tiger was very surprised.
    “Don’t you know I am the king of the animals?” said the fox. “I am sent by the God. If you eat me, you will be punished.”
    The tiger didn’t believe at first. The fox went on saying, “If you don’t believe what I said, you can walk after me. All the animals are afraid to see me.” Then the tiger and the fox walked through the forest together. All the animals ran away as soon as they could when they saw the tiger coming towards them.
1. The story happened ____________.
  A. in the mountain         B. in the forest         C. in the far away place       D. in the village
2. When the tiger came up to the fox, ____________.
  A. the fox was frightened                         B. the fox ran away quickly  
C. the fox thought hard and had an idea              D. the fox was sleeping under a tree
3. Why did all animals run away when they saw the fox? Because ____________.
  A. the fox was their king  B. the fox was very strong C. the fox would eat them  D. the tiger walked with him
4. The tiger didn’t dare to eat the fox because ____________.
  A. they were god friends                         B. the fox was stronger than she
  C. the fox was sent by the God                    D. she believed what the fox had said
5. The fox was very ____________.
  A. clever               B. honest               C. foolish            D. careful
1. ___________   2. ___________   3. ___________  4. ___________   5. ___________
II 综合知识(共50分)
一、          时事题(3分)
二、          历史常识题(12分,各1分)
三、          语文题(20分)
30岁:而立之年      0:不惑之年       50:知命之年      60:花甲之年
70:古稀之年        80、90: 耄耋(màodié)之年       100:期颐之年

四、          数学题(15分,每题5分)不得使用笔来计算,每小题停顿20秒
1.       学期末要打扫卫生,总共有5项工作:扫地、擦窗、擦桌子、提水、倒垃圾,分配给奥特曼、喜羊羊、小怪兽、蓝猫和虹兔,请问最多能有几种安排方法?
2.       我们班45个同学在一次数学竞赛中,答对第一题的有15人,答对第两题的有20人,两题都答对的有5人。问有几个同学两题都不对?
3.       劳动节到了,小白老师带着全班同学一起去光明农场劳动,六年级的孩子们负责摘苹果,摘完苹果后,农场请同学们吃苹果表示感谢。男同学吃两个苹果,女同学吃一个苹果,男女同学总共30人,苹果总共吃了50个,请问男女同学各有几人?
资料来源:深圳语文补习网 http://www.0755yuwen.com
请联系深圳语文知名教师:龙小元老师 Tel: 13632616488 QQ;939170249
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