

浏览:2367  来源:深圳语文补习网  日期:2012-02-20
I 英语基础知识 (共50分)
1.       thirty six the morning gets up Tom at in.
2.       he the Art School the piano play goes to learns to and
3.       family photo my a This is of 
4.       1997 China Hong Kong in returned to
5.       doesn’t Lily lemons pears or like
1.       Sunny doesn't have many hobbies but likes traveling a lot.
2.       it has been a long day for Hoey so she is very tired and hungry
3.       I try to draw a picture of Cathy on the wall but it turns out to be a monster
4.       Flora wants to be a vet because she loves pets a lot.
5.       I think sitting all night long doing nothing is very boring so I watch the Night News instead which is also boring.
   A                B                                C                          D                          E                                
1.             2.            3.             4.               5.      
(  )1. Will you join us ____________ the game?
(  )2.  I’m tired. I ____________ be going.
(  )3.  We are students. We should ____________ the school rules.
(  )4.  Stop ____________ about Ken, please. Can’t you ____________ he’s crying?
(  )5.  It’s polite to ____________ carefully in class.
1  A. with                 B. in                 C. at              D. to
2  A. have to               B. must               C. may             D. can
3  A. agree                B. obey               C. break             D. care
4  A. complaining, look at    B. complain, see     C. to complain, watch    D. complaining, see
5  A. hear                B. be                C. listen                 D. sound
    John was nine years old, and he was a very bad boy. But his mother always thought that he would behave better. Then one day, after he had come home from school, John’s teacher called his mother on the phone and said, “Did you know Mrs. King that John saved another boy when he fell into the river while we were out for a walk this morning.”
    Mrs. King was very happy when she heard this. She thought, “John is becoming a good boy.” Then she turned to him and said, “That was your teacher, why were you so brave to save one of your friends when he fell into the river this morning?”
    But John did not look very happy when he heard this. His face turned very red, and said, “Well, I really had to pull him out, because I pushed him in.”
1. John was a student, wasn’t he?
  A. Yes, he is           B. No, he wasn’t         C. Yes, he was         D. No, he isn’t
2. The teacher told John’s mother about John____________.
  A. by a note           B. over the phone         C. by a teller          D. over the radio
3. John wasn’t a good boy, was he?
  A. No, he wasn’t        B. Yes, he was           C. No, he was         D. Yes, he is
4. His mother wanted him to be ____________.
  A. a clever boy         B. a bad boy             C. a foolish boy        D. a good boy
5. John was becoming a good boy, wasn’t he?
  A. No, he wasn’t        B. Yes, he was           C. No, he was          D. Yes, he wasn’t
1. ___________   2. ___________   3. ___________  4. ___________   5. ___________
II 综合知识(共50分)
一、          时事题(7分,各3.5分)
哥本哈根  12月7日
二、          历史常识题(8分,各4分)
三、          语文题(20分)
元日: 正月初一     人日: 正月初七     元宵: 正月十五      端午: 五月初五
七夕: 七月初七     中秋: 八月十五     重阳: 九月初九      腊日: 腊月初八
四、          数学题(15分,每题5分)不得使用笔来计算,每小题停顿20秒
1.       蓝天运动会开始了,六年级组篮球比赛中,奥特曼率领的白沙岭队与喜羊羊率领的莲花北队在决赛相遇,结果白沙岭队大比分获胜,得分比莲花北队多了44分,是莲花北队得分的整整3倍,请问白沙岭队总共得了多少分?
2.       刚才奥特曼率领的白沙岭队获得了篮球冠军,得到了一大包巧克力作为奖品,如果全队每人分5块,则还差6块不够,如果全队每人分4块则多了4块出来,请问总共有多少位队员?
3.       在刚结束的篮球比赛中,奥特曼和喜羊羊在所有比赛中是得分前两名,两人加起来总共得了200分,但是奥特曼更出色一些,他的得分比喜羊羊多了38分,请问两人得分各是多少?

资料来源:深圳语文补习网 http://www.0755yuwen.com
请联系深圳语文知名教师:龙小元老师 Tel: 13632616488 QQ;939170249
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