

浏览:3144  来源:深圳语文补习网  日期:2012-02-20
I 英语基础知识 (共50分)
1.       I want to join the club and become a member of it.
2.       He caught a bird and set it free then.
3.       There are trees on both sides of the street.
4.       They hurried into the hall.
5.       I have got a bad headache all day long.
(    )1. A. remember  B. became  C. member  D. joined
(    )2. A. set   B. sat  C. call  D. them
(    )3. A. side   B. site  C. sides  D. sites
(    )4. A. hole   B. hall  C. house  D. home
(    )5. A. bed   B. among  C. along  D. long
1.       I’m looking forward to watching the fireworks on New Year’s Day.
2.       I feel awful, I can’t wait to go to the dentist’s.
3.       I like rainy days, because the air becomes so fresh and clean!
4.       Hello, may I book three tickets for Jay’s concert?
5.       The scenery here is so beautiful, let’s take a photo.
1.             2.            3.             4.               5.      
(  )1. You look pale. You have to ___________ a doctor right away.
(  )2. Peter felt tired ___________.
(  )3. “What is your brother like?” “___________.”
(  )4. “I’m sorry I broke your cup.” “___________.”
(  )5. Where are ___________ photos?
1   A. look at              B. watch               C. read              D. see
2   A. sometimes           B. often                C. never             D. always
3   A. A driver             B. Very tall             C. At school          D. Very well
4   A. You are welcome      B. OK                 C. Never mind        D. All right
5   A. another              B. the other             C. others             D. the others
        One morning a mailman walked up to house. He rang the bell.
    A few seconds later a window of the house opened, and a woman put her head out.
    “What is it?” she wanted to know.
    “I’ve got a package for Mrs. Smith,” the mailman said.
    “Is it registered?” the woman asked.
    “Yes,” the mailman said.
    “Is it a big package or a small package?” the woman wanted to know next.
    “It’s quite a big package,” the mailman told her.
    “I see.”
    The woman thought for a minute, then she said, “Who is it from?”
    The mailman looked at the return address on the back of the package.
    “It’s from Jones in London,” he said.
    Now the woman was very interested. “From Jones and Jones in London, eh?” she said. “That’s a very expensive thing. What’s in the package?”
    “Madam,” the mailman said, becoming quite angry with the woman, “I don’t know. Why don’t you come down and take the package from me. Then you can open it and find out.”
    “Oh, I can’t do that,” the woman said.
    “Why not?” the mailman said.
    “Because I’m not Mrs. Smith,” she said, “You’ve come to the wrong house. Mrs. Smith lives next door.”
(  ) 1. The house was open when the mailman walked up to it.
(  ) 2. The woman talked with the mailman because they were good friends.
(  ) 3. The package was quite big.
(  ) 4. The woman wanted to know what the mailman would give to her.
(  ) 5. The package was not for the woman.
II 综合知识(共50分)
一、          时事题(10分,各5分)
1、  第16届亚洲运动会是中国第二次举办亚运会,请问第一次是什么时候在哪个城市举行的?停顿5秒
1990年 北京
2、   “五羊”是广州市最为知名的一个标志,以五只羊作为广州亚运会的吉祥物,充分体现了东道国、主办城市的历史底蕴、精神风貌和文化魅力。这五只羊有着与北京奥运会吉祥物“北京欢迎你”类似的名字,形象是运动时尚的五只羊,请问他们分别叫什么名字呢几个区?停顿20秒
二、          常识题(10分,各2.5分)每题停顿5秒
1、  中国的国土面积是多少?
2、世界上有两条地震带,中国正好在两大地震带的中间,所以中国是一个多地震的国家。 请问是哪两条地震带呢?
3、中国是世界上的大国,下面哪一个对中国在世界上的描述是错误的?A人口最多  B 内陆湖泊最多 C 邻国最多 D
  4、世界“新七大奇迹”(NEW SEVEN WONDERS)中,下面哪个奇迹与国家是不相符的?
A 万里长城(中国) B  佩特拉古城(约旦) C  巴西基督像(巴西) D 马丘比丘遗址(秘鲁)E  奇琴伊查库库尔坎金字塔(墨西哥) F 古罗马斗兽场(意大利) G 泰姬陵(泰国
三、          语文题(15分,各5分)
2、四书五经中的四书是:《论语》、《中庸》、《大学》、《孟子》五经是哪五经?  停顿20秒
A ;《诗经》、《尚书》、《礼记》、《易经》、《春秋》
3、古代科举考试总共分成三轮,第一轮称为乡试,那么后两轮分别称为什么?  停顿10秒
四、          数学题(15分,每题5分)不得使用笔来计算,每小题停顿20秒
1.       145与135的和乘以它们的差,积是多少?
2.       有200个怪兽280个汉堡包,大怪兽1人分3个汉堡包,小怪兽1人分1个汉堡包。问:大、小怪兽各有多少?
小怪兽160  大怪兽40
3.       喜羊羊和奥特曼去逛街,两人总共带了500元,喜羊羊带的钱是奥特曼的三倍,请问喜羊羊带了多少钱??
资料来源:深圳语文补习网 http://www.0755yuwen.com
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